The term "Egonovism" comes from the latin "ego," meaning self, and "novo" to make new, rewrite, or invent. And it fits perfectly. The individual develops their own personal religions system and borrows ideas from established religions that they're familiar with. Many Egonovists include the Christ figure in their religion, and hence they self-identify as Christians.
Welcome to USA:
Full-Body Scanners Installed at Lindbergh Field:
The scanners, which are being placed in 11 airports across the country by the end of the year, are funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Democrats unlikely to repeal tax cuts for the rich:
Democrats in Congress are poised to play a leading role this month in thwarting their party's effort to raise income tax rates on the wealthy.
Lehman boss blames US for bank's collapse:
The former head of collapsed US banking giant Lehman Brothers lashed out at the US government Wednesday, claiming it could have prevented the firm's collapse but failed to act.
Bernanke: Shut down banks if they threaten system:
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Thursday told a panel investigating the financial crisis that regulators must be ready to shut down the largest companies if they threaten to bring down the financial system.
Construction Spending in U.S. Fell Twice as Much as Forecast:
The 1 percent drop brought spending to $805.2 billion, the lowest level in a decade, after a revised 0.8 percent drop in June that wiped out a previously estimated gain, Commerce Department figures showed today in Washington. Spending on federal government projects fell by the most in a year.
July unemployment up in about half of US cities:
The economy is barely growing and economists worry it won't expand fast enough to bring down the 9.5 percent national unemployment rate. On Friday, the government is expected to say that private employers added only 41,000 jobs in August, down from 71,000 the previous month.
Unemployment Affects Three Out Of Four Americans:
More than half of Americans say they believe the downturn reflects a "lasting economic change" (56%) rather than a "temporary economic downturn" (43%). Large majorities believe that the economy will remain in recession or worse a year from now.
The 10 Highest-Paid CEOs Who Laid Off The Most Workers: :
The CEOs who laid off the most employees during the recession are also the CEOs who took home the biggest pay checks, according to a study released last week.
One million US public school students homeless:
The number of students identified as homeless by public school districts rose by more than 40 percent between the 2006-2007 school year and 2008-2009, to 956,914. The figure has almost assuredly passed one million in the current school year.